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Delegate Statement

I'm excited to announce my candidacy as a delegate. With a dedication to decentralization and innovation, I'll actively engage in governance decisions to ensure the network's growth. I'm committed to fostering collaboration and transparency, advocating for policies that support development, adoption, and an enhanced user experience. By electing me, you're supporting a resilient and thriving Optimism community. Let's shape the decentralized future together.

Top Issues

Treasury management
Treasury management
In addition, I am committed to implementing sound treasury management practices, safeguarding and optimizing funds to sustain the long-term financial health of the Optimism ecosystem
Grant funding
Grant funding
I will actively champion grant funding initiatives, directing resources towards innovative projects that align with Optimism's vision, fostering growth, and empowering developers to drive the network's evolution
AllowanceDelegated onFromTxn Hash
None found

Past Votes

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